A Stroll through the Mind of Meta-Michael
i've feared this blog post for some time i think i was afraid that in order to write a blog about blogging i would have to acquire an enormous amount of self consciousness ive never really stopped to think about what exactly i think about when i write or how i fictionalize the people i am writing to in writing this post without any punctuation i am endeavoring to free my mind and strip away thought restricting conventions in order to peek into the essence of my own thoughts perhaps im taking this whole metablogging thing too far but i am realizing that typing in all lowercase letters without any periods commas colons question marks exclamation points or my personal favorite semicolons is monstrously difficult i suppose that after so many years of studying the english language with moderate success i have actually begun to think in punctuated grammar james joyce was wrong after all perhaps with the prevalence of technology my mind has become a keyboard but what exactly is it imagining when i first sat down perhaps because i have a ton of other homework to do i pictured what i will be like having completed this blog post i can see myself being filled with satisfaction and weariness and relief all at once my task completed my recent progeny released upon the world right about now i can imagine the other tutors reading this post and being absolutely baffled by the blatant neglect of convention however the others tutors are not my primary audience i am the primary audience but even with metamichael in my mind i can still imagine secondary and perhaps tertiary audiences reading this blog but most prevalent seems to be how my mind is fictionalizing the blog post itself i have a foggy vision of what these five hundred words of psychological upchuck are going to look like once they are finished perhaps i have failed this assignment rather than metablogging i seem to be metametablogging that is blogging about metablogging i suppose i should retract me previous use of audience since according to our reading writing doesnt create audiences because it isolates individuals enclosing them in a personal world apart from the greater community but for the sake of simplicity though i may fall into error in so doing i will continue to refer to the readers as audience does the audience always have to be human can my audience actually be this blog post itself i can truthfully say that more than anyone or anything else i am writing this blog post while picturing the completed blog post in my head now that im nearing my word limit however i am beginning to imagine a human audience who will expect some sort of concrete expression at the end so here goes
When I was writing this post about blogging, more than anything else I was picturing what this metablog would look like upon completion. Does an audience always have to be human? I don't think my fictionalized audience for this metametablog was; I was primarily writing to something abstract, thoughtless, and passionless. I was writing to the blog itself.
That's kinda weird.
When I was writing this post about blogging, more than anything else I was picturing what this metablog would look like upon completion. Does an audience always have to be human? I don't think my fictionalized audience for this metametablog was; I was primarily writing to something abstract, thoughtless, and passionless. I was writing to the blog itself.
That's kinda weird.
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