Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day!!!

Yeah... pretty sure this is about what I look like this weekend. I'm going to be horribly busy with school and many other activities. So wish me luck.

Thanksgiving has now come and gone away now that I've actually gotten around to posting this. However, I can tell you what I have done and what I am planning on doing.

The 24th was my mother's birthday, so I made sure to spend time with her all day. I included a fun present of perfume and an epic Hoops and YoYo card.

Thanksgiving is always a huge event with my family. The reason being is because my Montgomery side of the family is HUGE. All of us could barely fit in my aunt's basement where we held our delectable Thanksgiving feast. It was noisy, kids were running everywhere, cranberry juice was spilled more than once on white carpet, and everyone was too full of food to move. Yet, it was still wonderful to be together and laughing with everyone.

Later, I also went to see Tangled with a family member. Oh. My. Gosh. Insta fan girl! I don't care if it is supposed to be a kid show. Best! Movie! EVER! I'm going to see it again on Saturday too! I won't spoil the plot on here for those who haven't seen it yet, but I do recommend it. Tangled is up on my list with Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. For me, that's saying a lot. Those movies are nigh impossible to top.

Today, the day after Thanksgiving, I've been cleaning and attempting to get a bit of homework done. Yeah... it's not working. The family and I are trying to take down all of the thanksgiving decorations and put up some Christmas decorations for fear of falling behind. I'm just trying to keep my life in order for all of my finals. I have two tests to study for in my worst subjects (math and science), I have two huge papers due, an art project that remains unfinished (I also have a test I need to study for in that class as well), and then I have a reflections final that I need to finish as well. I'm also busy with a lot of family because everyone is up for the Holidays. That's distracting. So, I'm rather nervous about getting things done and I'm feeling very scatter brained.


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