Saturday, October 31, 2009

A man, a dream, a blog

Mid-terms snuck up on me like a snow leopard in a blizzard. I didn’t even see it coming. But alas, it did. And now I feel like I have been mauled by some type of large animal. I don’t think I had an official “mid-term” per se, because all of my classes do a good job at throwing tests and crazy assignments at me at all times. But, regardless of the fact that I didn’t have an official mid-term, they still had an effect on me.

I now have no desire to do anything involving school. I’m completely zapped of all energy. I used to stay up in the library all hours of the night, studying and doing all that jazz. Now, I just go home and sleep or go do something with some buddies. I can’t bring myself to sit down and read a textbook. Perhaps in a week or so I’ll work out all the mid-term blues and be able to get down to business once again.

On a lighter note, I’ve got some more things that must go. Vampires. The fat cats in Hollywood have decided that we need more vampires. Well I’m taking a stand. No more. I’m tired of vampires. If I wanted to associate with blood eaters I’d move to a swamp and chum up with some mosquitoes. Not only are we now over saturated with vampires, all the vampire shows and whatnot are stupid. One movie comes out and then everyone and their dog has to produce a vampire movie. They don’t even have good story lines or scripts. Not to mention the terrible acting. They’re all just a bunch of people who couldn’t make it in the Harry Potter films. That’s right, I did just say that.

Now, I would like to talk about some things that please me. Number one, the movie Raising Arizona, Nicholas Cage’s greatest triumph. The chase scene in the movie where Nicholas Cage steals the huggies and the cops chasing him down is one of the greatest achievements in cinematic history to date. And then there is the fight scene in the trailer when Nicholas Cage scrapes his knuckles on the ceiling. I cannot do justice to the movie by trying to explain it. You will simply have to watch it yourself. Only then can you appreciate the greatness that is Raising Arizona.

Another thing that brings me great happiness is wit. Wit is often few and far between in this day and age. So often the humor we encounter is just too much. I can think of few things that bring me more joy than a witty, intelligent comment. Some people refer to them as zingers, others as burns. But I think that we have lost the idea of wit. We need to bring back the clever witticisms that were once so prevalent in society. One example of this was illustrated by an exchange between Lady Astor and Winston Churchill, when Lady Astor said, “You sir, are drunk.” To which Churchill replied, “and you madam are ugly, but in the morning I shall be sober.”


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