Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hooray! A slacker prompt! These are always lots of fun. I will try my hardest not to ramble too incoherently. I am especially happy to report that I did not have any midterms. Or, at least, not anything that most people would consider midterms. I did have a Junior Recital two weeks ago, but I picked the date for that so it was kind of my fault it was during midterms. And I have also spent at least three blogs mentioning and agonizing over it, so I do not want to bore you with that all over again. The funny thing is that I was so stressed out about it that I did not even realize that we had made it halfway through the semester until the week was over and I was chillin’ up at my grandparent’s cabin. (Sidenote: The Uintahs are freaking GORGEOUS during October! Just for your info. And I was up there before the cold front moved in and froze everything, so it was warm and sunny on top of the changing leaves. Happy day! Okay sidenote over.) The best part about having the recital halfway through the semester, though, is that I will not have to do juries (or what we consider finals week for private lessons) at the end. So I don’t think I will have any finals, either…wow this is an easy semester for me!
I guess the only other two things that could be considered midterms were the tests I had to take for my two fitness classes. But their most difficult questions stemmed around subjects such as, “Why is it a good idea to exercise?” and “Where can you find your pulse?” Mind boggling stuff, really. Of course, there was the very stressful moment where I had to locate where the biceps were, but with some intense thought and determination I got through that with only four beads of sweat on my forehead (or fivehead, if you’re Victor Borge)…what is it that is supposed to denote sarcasm in a text form? /sarcasm/? Haha, anyway, /end sarcasm/ and I will just tell you that I am thrilled that we did not have a paper due for this class in the middle of the semester, especially since we have the monster bibliography essay due at the end.
I think it may be a bad thing that I do not have too many tests to freak me out, though, because I can feel Senioritis creeping up on me. It is especially bad because I have another semester to go before graduation! That is, I only have one semester if all goes well. I suppose I have already gotten my hard classes out of the way anyway, though, so that is good. Hooray for AP classes! And for Concurrent Enrollment and credits that actually transfer over to Weber State. Anyway, now I am really really rambling so I should probably stop now before it gets worse.


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