Friday, October 19, 2007


Personally, I absolutely love to see order and structure in everything around me. Chaos in situations, whether it be in school or otherwise, absolutely drives me insane, and so, I try my best to keep my life in at least some type of order. For school papers and the like, I think it makes the most sense to make the job of the reader as easy as possible. The reader most likely has ten thousand other things that he or she would rather be doing than sitting down and reading what I have to say. So, I do my best to arrange my paper in such a way as to make my thesis, supporting statements and my conclusion scream out and grab the attention of the reader, so that he or she has absolutely no doubt in his or her mind what it is that I am trying to argue and when I tutor another student in his or her writing, I try to convey that method to them as well, without doing it for them, which can be difficult some times. When a student brings in a paper to me that is unclear and seems to have no organization whatsoever (aka it doesn't "flow" very well) it makes my job very difficult because I get confused as to what it is that the student is really trying to say in his or her paper. When this happens, I often have to stop and ask the student about what it is that he or she is trying to say, and like Dr. Rogers has been saying all along, the student usually replies with a very simple and clear cut answer, but tries to hide that in a complex and flowery style of writing.


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