Monday, September 25, 2006

Steal everything that isn't nailed to the ground

I have taken some extra time to mull this idea of stealing over and over. I only work with a handful of seasoned tutors and tutors in training as well. Even though I work with the same people, I still see a lot of things that can better my own style.

I think that everyone has hit the nail on the head about what to steal and who to steal from. We all agree that Keeping the student at ease will always appease the session. Everyone does better when they aren't worrying. Really you can see this method from any of the tutors. I think we, as tutors in training, have a lot more to offer than any of us let on. We may think that we are bluffing the student when we go into a session, but we all enter it with a sort of ease. I don't know how to really explain it quite yet, but we all have our own styles in the making.

I think that I want to steal the ways that we are all developing our methods. Its probably better to say that we learn from each other and grow by watching, then sneaking up and stealing an idea. I've watched Kassie create a relaxing environment for the students; and Tyler and Derek both are very tactiful with how they present the concepts of grammar during the sessions; and Gregg seems to never lose control of the session. These are all great ideas that I want to steal, but I think it will help me more to learn how they developed these ideas and steal that.

Are these ideas that we all want to steal something that the tutors were born with, or did they learn through this class? I don't know the answer to this question and I don't know where to steal it from either. I guess I can only watch the other tutors and hope to grow from that, not steal.


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