Thursday, September 21, 2006


First, I'll adress stealing. There are so many great tutors in the writing center that I often feel a little intimidated by actually having to tutor students myself. I'd like to just sit and watch in awe. Kirsten makes students feel very comfortable, easily getting them to open up about what they are REALLY trying to say. Kassie always has positive feedback and makes the student feel good about their strengths before she ever mentions a wekaness. Tyler asks great questions. I think those are all important aspects of tutoring that I should add to my own style. I've noticed that I don't ask enough questions, and I sometimes forget to compliment the students on what's good about their writing. So, those things would be my plunder from rifling through the tutors' bags of tricks.

I have to comment about class yesterday. My head was spinning when I left after talking about post-process, post-modernism, anti-foundationalism...weeeeeee! I was so far out of the box that I couldn't see the box anymore. I would like to make the blanket statement that philosophy is confusing, but that would be a grand narrative. Weeeeeee!


Blogger Scott Rogers said...

Well, the first thing you need to accept is that there is no box.

12:29 AM  

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