Monday, October 25, 2004

Visual Learner

Cynthia’s blog about learning styles gave me a good idea for my blog. I always thought that I was an auditory learner, but recently I’ve discovered that I am a visual learner. I’ve always hated when teachers had cutesy posters and table decorations. I thought this was what a visual learner was, some who liked things that were appealing to the eye. I never realized that there was more to a visual learner. In our CRLA training class we participated in a little activity that involved the three main different learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile. The head honcho of the CRLA training, I can’t remember her name, showed us symbols for a new international language. For example, the letter a was a face with a frown, e was a circle and c was a heart. She first had the letters and the symbols visible on an overhead projector. We had about 30 seconds to look over the letters and symbols. Then she told us a word and we were supposed to translate the word into the new language. When I was able to see the symbols drawn on the overhead I was able to remember a whole lot better than when she just vocally told the class what letter was what symbol. Finding out what type of learner I am will help me in the writing center with students who are different learners than myself.


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