Monday, October 25, 2004

All hail mighty Webster!

Open-ended posts aren't nice at all. I'm one of those kids who colors inside the lines. Blank pages make me nervous. That said, I'll try to give myself some parameters. I will write in English, even though someone has abandoned a Spanish-English dictionary next to the keyboard. I will try to write about tutoring and tutoring-related experiences. Also, a little about ducks.

Lately I've found myself playing the role of tutor in the home environment more and more often. In reality, I'm probably not doing it any more than I ever have; I'm just noticing it. For the most part, this means I have an increased amount of patience. Last night I spent 20 minutes discussing entropy with my physics nerd sweetie pie. The fact that he has made it this far without a firm grasp of the concept made me want to smash my head against the wall, but I didn't. As a matter of fact, I didn't even bite my lip or pull on my hair. I surprised myself by being perfectly calm and collected, even when the conversation ended without the slightest bit of useful progress. The same was true when I explained linear equations to my little sister (though she eventually got it). This improvement in interpersonal skills is awesome. If I keep it up, I might even be able to raise a sane child someday. That comment was due to the fact that Cynthia may or may not currently be pregnant. Little help?

I have a funny Writing Center story to share. Last week an ESL student came in trying to understand the meaning of the word context. We talked about it for a bit, then I suggested we look it up in the dictionary, to which she replied, "That book is genius, and the man who wrote it is a prophet." I'm still chuckling about that.

There was an email in the daily bulletin about the duck pond. They are winterizing the fountain and it should not affect the ducks' quality of life. That's what they said, anyway. It better be true, or Lori and I will have to set things right.

Running the spell check feature automatically takes out the extra space after each period. Technical writing is taking over, bit by bit. Bwahaha!


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