Saturday, August 29, 2009


Extremely is the word I would use to describe how I am feeling about tutoring.  I have no problem with talking to the students or helping them out because I have been tutoring math for two years and have overcome all fears of helping strangers out, and learned a vast amount of tutoring strategies that should transfer over; hopefully.  The thing that concerns me is that unlike my ridiculous knowledge of math my grammar skills, while I think I have a pretty good understanding, are not perfect.  Math comes easy to me, my brain being logical.  English is a subject I have always struggled with and had to put a lot more work into it to produce good results.  This problem with English used to bother me, but now it is why I like it so much.  The joy of finishing a paper that is awesome, something I worked so hard on, is a a much more fulfilling feeling than getting math right off the bat.

I absolutely loathed English growing up, up to a couple years ago.  I failed a term of it in high school and did not care, night school was easier.  Sub par papers where my standard even in English 2010.  This lack of caring for the subject was my downfall of my crummy grammar.  I lost most of the basics learned in elementary, junior high and high school.  Having to relearn them all to keep up as an English major was a struggle.  Something I did not enjoy.  Going back through the basics made me feel inferior.      

My original problem with English was all the rules and exceptions to the rules, i before e except after c so it should really be spelled nceighbor right?  With math there is only one right answer to a problem and usually only one way of getting that answer.  That is what I liked about it.  English has so many right answers, and a huge grey area where how well a paper is written, math it is either right or wrong.  This concept at first bothered me, but know it is what draws me to English.  With a better understanding of the language and all its rules writing is much easier and more fun.  Sometimes even breaking the rules on purpose to be more effective.    

Literature is what brought me to English.  Or at least Intro to Literature with Professor Hudson.  I was working a boring job with not a lot to do.  I started bringing books to work, an acceptable pass time, reading hundreds of pages a shift.  I then began to read when I was not working, mostly epic fantasy, finding it was a very enjoyable pass time.  Even though I was flying through books I could not keep up with all the books I kept adding to my list of books to read.  So it was only natural to take Intro to Lit for my humanities credit.  I loved the class so much I took Intro to Fiction the next semester for fun.  My tastes now included not just fantasy and science fiction but great works of literature.  I now knew I couldn’t be happy in life with nothing less than an English degree.

So ya I am nervous to tutor with my not perfect grammar, but I am looking forward to the experience mostly to gain a better knowledge of the language myself. 


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