Thursday, November 01, 2007

"No good deed goes unpunished"~Wicked!

You know, I'm actually quite grateful for this post. Yes, I have thought about this topic quite a bit, but there were 4 ideas that really interested me. Therefore I will use this blog as a discussion board between me, myself and I and each of our views on what to write for the Bibliographic essay.
First idea is *trumpet sounding*: The frustration part of tutoring based on "(Non)Meeting of the Minds: A study in Frustration" by Nicole Kraemer Munday. I think this would be a fantastic subject to write on because we all know it's going to happen. The tutor will try to say "Well, this sounds better" and the tutee will say "Oh, no... I like this.." Frustration builds after a while. By the end of the session, both tutee and tutor want to gauge out their eyes. Lovely picture, eh? However, I'm looking at the essay and Munday lists only 2 sources for further reading. I'm also thinking that while studying frustration, I'll in turn become frustrated, as well. Furthermore, I don't believe I can muster up 10 pages on the topic. So, I'm now thinking I don't want to do that topic. Good discussion. On to the next.
Second, I think an essay on reluctant writers (based off of Muriel Harris' "Talk to me: Engaging Reluctant Writers") could be useful. As tutors, we've all been put in the situation where our tutee clearly wishes to be elsewhere. How do we deal with them? How can we be done with the session and feel we have accomplished something? Also, a lot of points can be expressed in this essay and Harris lists a lot of sources I can go to for further reading. This is a definite possibility.
Next idea is trying to make creative writers, based off of "Is there a creative writer in the house? Tutoring to enhance creativity and engagement". Gina told me I should do this one because it's something tutors need help explaining. I agree, it's something that tutors can talk with tutees about to make the tutees paper better. There are also a lot of sources I can use for further reading. However, while it's important, it doesn't really interest me. It's painful to write 10 pages on something that does not really interest me.
Lastly, I could write about Organizing Ideas based off of Alice L. Trupe's essay. This is something that a lot of tutees need help on, and so the essay I write could be useful. There are also 10 sources listed. Yet, I don't think I can write 10 interesting pages on organizing ideas without sounding repetitive.
So the winner is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Engaging Reluctant Writers!!!
All right, so, Happy Holidays! :)


Blogger Kassie said...

yeah, go with the topic that interests you the most.

8:50 PM  

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