Sunday, December 10, 2006

the The Thesaurus

Alright, so it was a little longer than ten seconds… oh well, I’m sure no one is even reading these catch up funness posts so it doesn’t matter I suppose. Although, in respect for the fact that my last post was rather crappy in its connectivity to the world of the writing center and English at large, I suppose I’ll try to do something this time that actually correlates. Yes it is getting late and my crappy usage of big words has come out. Look at me I’m like an English 1010 student! WEEEE!! Misuse of big words to sound all cool and college like! Woot!

I suppose as I’m on that topic I might as well run with it, the topic being…I’m not quite sure but my ramblings will probably stumble across it in a second. Perhaps it’s the The Thesaurus. Next to the dictionary it is probably gods greatest gift to man…and then along came the masses. The end result is rather predictable I’m sure anyone might have noticed. Misuse. The terrible injustice visited upon the beautiful book of word usage. The reason being, people just snag nifty words. The biggest thing I’ve run across in my tutoring is students using words they’ve heard in passing. It could be something a teacher said and the student clung to its ‘big wordiness’ with all claws extended. Then when it comes to writing something the problem arises of exact usage and the student will just stick it in for the heck of it and pray the teacher doesn’t notice. And if that is not the case then the student may simply hate the currant word that is coming to mind for a project so a quick peek into the The Thesaurus and snag a word that’s under the same heading as the other word. And VIOLA! Instant big word and coolness is rained upon the head of the student and the paper can be turned in with a great feeling of accomplishment. GAAA!!! It drives me nuts!!! It is a TANDAM deal people!! You find a word in the The Thesaurus and THEN you look it up in the dictionary to make sure that correct usage has been applied. Unless your lazy and/or not turning it in to anyone that will care… which is the case for most of my big word usage I’m sure. Anyway, BACK to my story…or rant really. I do a lot of that don’t I? Anywho, the fact is that the student is then SOOO impressed with the magical wordiness of the word that any attempt to make a parting with it is meet with open hostility. As a tutor, nothing is more aggravating…okay, so maybe a couple things are, but the facts remain the same. ABANDONE THE WORD!! I can not stress that enough! To bad that the only people who MIGHT be reading this…already know that. Le sigh, sometimes I feel my brilliance is wasted…and then people remind me that it was used up in the fourth grade. Well…until next post I suppose.



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