Thursday, November 30, 2006

How did they discover my secret?!

Well Ms. Jenny the problem would be that I really AM the Jackle! MUAHAHAHAH …. Oh wait, that’s Jackal, damn, and here I thought computers had become smart enough to actually accurately reveal the superhero’s secret identity. I was about to send one to Metropolis and see if that dork reporter Lois Lane would pick up on CLARK KENT!!! HELLO! Ahem…well, now that I’ve had a total spaze moment and rambled on for several sentences in response to other people’s posts I suppose I should start on my actual blogg prompt huh? Oh, wait, one more thing before I do… I want to join!!! I’ll be the missionary/torturer for the Cult of Gaiman. It’ll be fun, promise! Wow… look at all my ellipsis and exclamation points, I really need to tone that down. Neh, no fun that way!

Reflections, somehow they always make me sad. Perhaps it’s because hindsight really IS 20/20 and being partially blind I can certainly appreciate that, and mourn it all the further. I tend to look back and wonder what in the world I was thinking, or wish fervently that I had even half the knowledge then that I do now. But, there’s no use crying over spilt milk right? The best you can do is mop it up before it seeps into the grout and no amount of scrubbing will remove the smell. Still, to ignore the clichéd statements I have to take a step back and look back for a moment and I suppose it wasn’t to bad. I know I made a lot of dorky mistakes with tutees that I simply made through ignorance, not that that that’s really an excuse. I aloud some students to walk over me because I was so frightened of doing something wrong and disappointing Claire, or I would reach out and try to comfort a whinny student rather than leading their issues back into the world of the session itself.

Even outside of the student themselves I wish I had a fraction of the grammatical and analytical knowledge that I’ve gained just from this class alone, although I will admit a LOT of what I know now came from my Latin class; there is nothing quite like a foreign language to kick start your native language skills. I will still be the first to admit that I have a LONG way to go before I can claim any proficiency with the damn punctuation… I still hold my comma’s close to my heart, but I am attempting to chisel them away for others so I have to get SOME credit for that growth. I understand a little bit better now and I’ll keep working on it, I’m quite sure that if I fail at it anywhere there are PLENTY of people who would be more than happy to point out my stumble *cough*Derek*cough* ANYWAY! The fact is that I recognize that I have a long way to go and I’m not ready to quite just yet so I’d say their some hope for me yet.
Now, I will once more return to my present and ever fuzzy future, curse near-sightedness, and I will ignore that which I can no longer change having taken from it the changes and knowledge that I needed. Wow…that was deep…
Ja! ^^


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