Tuesday, November 14, 2006


This is an open blog post, and I'm going to do the process thing and let it flow. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to write about, and i'm not exactly sure it's going to make sense. i will experience self discovery though.


That's the ticket...I know what I want to write about.

These last two weeks have been very difficult for me to tutor because I am busy with what I'm doing, and I'm having a hard time being empathetic to people who come into the writing center. I will hear someone complain about writing, and I am finding it increasingly difficult to be empathetic.

This is not good. I am starting to lose the edge. With my writing my bibliographic essay, I'm starting to convince myself that I know something about tutoring. Hell, I don't know anything. I need to keep this perspective or else I will become stagnant in my growth as a tutor. If I assume to know something, then there is no room for me to expand. If there is no room to expand then I'm not helping the writers to expand because I'm not expanding...I need a day off.

On an egotistically lighter note I'm done with my first draft of my bibliografic essay. I'm pretty happy about that, and I have to keep drafting untill I get it to a point of satisfaction. Also, I've started to eat oatmeal for breakfast, excercise, and snack throughout the day. I've found this to give me more energy. Them ther nuutricionalissts aint lion.

I think is as far of a rant as I want to go...Ah, self discovery

One more thing: I found the icon that changes the size of the letters. i have yet to find the spell check in the blogger, and maybe another time it will come to me .


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