Friday, December 01, 2006

Shitty shit shit (Just some shit that I learned)

Nikki six is right, Knowing that we don't know is where we should all be at the moment. If you can master this concept you are on the right track for development. Maybe John is right, maybe we should re-name the master tutor title to something like, ultra-listener. At least after ten milllion hours of tutoring we should be able to perfect the art of listening.

Even though we are beyond the age when a professor would open our heads and pour in endless amounts of knowledge, I feel like that is where I am now. The things that I was concerned about in the beginning are still concerns, but now I have multiple ways to try to try to resolve them. I think everyone has already explained what would of been helpful in the beginning. Yes, APA and Chicago style would have been nice to know, but I would of liked to have gone over MLA too. MLA is the format that I use the most, but I just copy verbatim what I see, as Rachel said, in my writing bible. I think it would of been effective for me to learn the different styles in the beginning, then review them once more in the end. Every session that I have encountered involving APA has been difficult, but I don't lie to the student. I just try to angle our conversations to avoid talking about what I don't know. Mostly the pamphlets or the numerous writing bibles have gotten me out of the lion's pit or a roaring oven. I guess to view it as a miracle, I was thrown into the oven, but like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, I hid in a cool corner holding ever so tightly to my writing bible. In the end, I wasn't burned. I helped the students find their answers using the writing center's bibles. I know that I don't know everything, and I don't pretend that I do. I just use the resources that are around me.

As we come to an end in this class, I still have a lot (just for you Dr. Rogers) of unanswered questions. But I did get my answer of why I shoudn't use a lot, a lot of the time. The class has been exceptional for me. My writing proficiency has increased more from this class than my whole scholastic career. My ability to bullshit has grown too, and I got to say I could bullshit pretty good before. Seriously, this has been a very good class for me. I too feel like I have a long way to go, but at least I am on the right path for greatness in anglais.

Now that this class is over, I have been trying to memorize every different approach that we have learned. This frustrated me because I knew that I would forget them. Now I realize that I can simply learn from all the tutor's different styles. Dr. Rogers asked us in class last week why we were all picked to be tutors - what we all had in common. I thought it was a silly question, but now I realize that we were all picked because we are all different. We are all curious, and our curiousity leads us to understand things differently. I think that this will be the key for me. My development will come from my surroundings, which is better known as my fellow tutors. I'll spend my time perfecting the art of listening and push the envelope to become a master tutor.

I also wish that I started my essay earlier, but se la vie. I do find some relief in knowing that even Dr. Rogers waits till the last minute to finish some of his speeches. It's nice to know that we all put things off and still can create something with substance.


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