Sunday, December 10, 2006

The joys of rediscovering you....

Well, I suppose I should really get my butt in gear and catch up with this oh so wonderful things. Nothing against blogging of course, but it’s simply against my nature. I can not even BEGIN to tell you the amount of times over the years that I have sat down and thought to myself, alright, this is the day, today I will actually start and KEEP a journal…and would you like to know how that’s ended up? I’ll tell you, it’s ended up with me owning an amazing collection of really cute notebooks that have absolutely no purpose other than to annoy me with their blatant reminders of only one entry and a failed attempt and preserving my memories of the present for the future. Wow, that was a long ass sentence. Well, anyway, the fact of the matter is I simply CAN NOT keep up with this journal entry thing. I mean, what do you say? Am I supposed to ramble on in this fashion day after day for the rest of my natural life? Would anyone actually want to READ that drivel? The workings of a barely sane mind are not my idea of entertainment, worse, can you imagine what my decedents-if I ever had any-would think when they read them?! I would rather fade away completely, or live on in the infamy of really garbled fables in histories own version of telephone rather than have my rather pathetic thoughts trapped forever in time for someone else to dig through. My thoughts and feelings of today would seem so…trivial in my own future, what would it be like if even MORE years had passed?! I can just imagine someone reading those poor entries and wondering what in the HELL this freaky person was thinking?! Being an archeologist I tend to think either entirely in the past, far DISTANT past, about what has happened with other people, or way into the future for what people would be thinking of me. Let me tell ya, one way or another no archeologist hundreds of years from now will be digging up MY journals and thinking that they were the thoughts of an entire nation. Could you imagine that?! Everyone thinking that American’s, or hell, EARTHLINGS, thought like ME?!!! I shiver at the thought alone.

Um… well…now that I’ve ranted and raved and done absolutely NOTHING I wonder if I should shut up now. Humm, yes, I most defiantly think that I should. SO! Until the next ten seconds when I post another one of these wonderful things to make up for lost time….the crazy rantings of a tutor who DIDN’T speak about anything remotely related to class or her tutoring experience.



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