Monday, October 23, 2006

The Processes of My Brain

I actually wrote a paper on this topic last semester in my English 2010 class. Crazy. The first thing that I do when I have a huge pile of notes is forget about them. It drives me crazy when I have “information overload,” and I am completely stuck. I think about the topics and issues that are most prevalent in my mind because those are the ones I find the most interesting. I read through my notes after I come up with a few topics. I get a better sense of where I am going and what information I do and do not have. Then, I stare. If you ever see me in a trance, then I am most likely thinking about schoolwork. I seriously sit there and mediate about the topic. I talk to myself in my head. (Hey, Rafoth suggests that conversation is the best way to think thoughtfully. I swear it works.) I write down the strong points and the weak points that I need to work on, and I usually come up with some sort of my thesis.

I then brainstorm subtopics that connect to my chosen topic. I may or may not write this down. But I do write down an outline. Oh boy, I love outlines. I think that they are great. They help me write a rough draft so much faster. If I forget something when I am writing, then I just make an arrow on my outline and go back and write it in later. I surely agree that it is an excellent tool for organizing ideas into an essay, especially if organiztion is a problem.

When I get stuck while I am actually writing then I usually enjoy a nice cup of cocoa. Oh, yummy. It is not just hot chocolate though. Foods that I enjoy eating or shows that I enjoy watching usually take my mind off the subject; and usually, while I am engaging in this activity, some magically, awesome point will pop into my head. Then I run as fast as I can (sometimes it’s embarrassing) to the computer and write it down. I need to write it down right then because all the cool little details and arguments about it do not make sense if I just make a note. I also recommend sleeping as a solution to writer's block. My mind is refreshed and ready to roll after a small nap. I want to emphasize small because hour long naps make me quite groggy.


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