Monday, October 23, 2006

digging for gold but ended up digging in my nose

I am not sure what the secret is to good writing but I know what works for me. I am a somewhat organizd person that knows his way around his mess. I spend a lot of time thinking about what I am going to write in my head. I don't really write anything until I actually sit down and write my paper. Until that point, I walk. The best time for me to think is when I am walking around town. I don't have any other worries and I always seem to have a good half hour of time to myself. For some reason this works for me. I think it is because I get lost in the scenery around me and allow my paper thoughts to be put on the back burner for a little while. For some reason my best thoughts come to me when I am not thinking about them.

I mostly know what I want to use for quotes and keep thinking of them too. I guess in a way I am making an outline without actually writing anything down. I don't recommend my approach to writing but it is what works for me.

Unfortunaltey my process of writing for our final paper is still in the beginning stage. I'm hoping for some golden truth to strike me, but I'll probably end up digging around for it. Sometimes ideas will come quicly to me and other times I won't get any insight untill the last moment. But in the end, something always gets produced.


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