Monday, October 24, 2005

blog for last week

A girl came in with one of the gossip papers-yuck!- and she was talking about how text messaging is often interpreted the wrong way. Which brings me to my question: Did I text Nathan back or did I texted him back? Did he text me, or did he texted me? I know the answer to the second set of question, I think. But the first is where my confusion lies.
Although I do it more than I would like to, slouching is bad. It is not good for your health, and it is not good for you appearance or confidence. Why should I sacrifice my health for someone else’s
If someone were to be txt (no ‘e’) messaging throughout the session, I would have to ask if there was an emergency, and if not then to either stop the distractions or to please reschedule the session. I’ve never been in this situation, so I don’t know how well I would really do, but I know I would like it to be handled.
After reading Young’s essay and following the advice to take a gander at the appendix, I found wonderful ways to improve my writing.
I honesty would love to come to the writing center for help when I’m stuck, but it goes against all my ‘pride’ as a tutor, and another because I can’t stand the way the center is structured. No, no we do a great job and stuff like that. It’s the whole ‘reading together’. I like to have two copies, one for them to read by themselves, and one for me to read backwards to myself. Once their done, we’ll come together and talk. Basically, all the talking that is done at the beginning of the session will still be the same and in the same place, but the commentary that happens throughout the session would take place at the end.
Season of Learning? Do y’all have one? Are you in the season of learning at all times, or do you do better in school over the summer rather than fall? Or vise versa? Do y’all take the summer off from school like you would public school, or go straight through?

And I totally agree with Marks comments at the tail end (that's all I read) anout Rogers class helping us with my other classes.


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