Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paper Topic (Sorry, I can't think of an interesting title for this one)

When it comes to this essay, I have huge writer’s block. Of course, I haven’t been thinking about it too intensely because of other things going on, but now that it has moved up a bit on my priority list I think that I have no idea what I think…It seems that the ones I was slightly thinking about are already being thought about by most everybody else as well. I was, for example, thinking about writing about synchronous vs. asynchronous tutoring, but since half the class has mentioned that as their possible topic I think I may steer clear of that (unless, of course, they’re all struggling for a subject like I am and that’s the first thing on top of their heads as well…in which case I feel much less alone in the world :D). I was also considering talking about the differences of writing and talking language that Emig was talking about. I think that that one might be a good topic, and her essay truly intrigued me. I think I may do it on that…Hooray! An epiphany!
Now I just have to find things about that topic and start reading them. One thing that did peak (or is it pique?) my curiosity about that subject was when Emig started talking about and quoting other professionals in her field that wrote on the same subject. Apart from giving me a good start on where to find my bibliographical information, it also made me curious. It also made me confused because of some different things that both Emig and the others refer to. This may show off my limited vocabulary, but I definitely had a huge question mark forming over my head when I started reading about things like “immediate synpractical connections,” and “speech-cum-action.” I wanted to look up what these were and try to figure out what they meant, mostly in order to more fully understand what Emig was talking about, but I actually didn’t have the time nor the motivation to do so. Luckily, I can contest that with this assignment.
Mostly I just found that there was much in the essay that I could write, explain, find other research on. For example, does everyone agree with Emig’s definition of writing? If not, how do they differ? Does that have an effect on how the theories on how to teach writing differ? Does this type of teaching have a sort of rubbing-off effect on other subjects? Though it may be that there’s not much written on some of these subject, the differences in opinion concerning them may be the “camps” I could separate my paper into, as well as the general e areas where I could expand and talk about different connections more. You know, the more I type about this idea (and think about it) the more I like it. Of course, now I’m getting to the babbling point where my brain starts putting feelers out to the rest of my brain and then it all comes spilling out…so, in order to prevent extraneous overflow, I think I’d better call it quits here for now.


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