Monday, September 12, 2005

So much fresh air

I will openly admit that my thoughts are not currently solidified with regard to apathy and writing, but I will venture to say that it is as much a global issue (literally) as lack of a thesis is to an essay.

I still flinch every time I hear someone proudly declare the inevitable phrase in a classroom setting that always follows this form: "When are we ever going to use this? Why do I need to learn this when I'll never use it in my career?" Maybe it's just the way the perpetrator usually giggles cheesily to his buddies that irks me the most, but it frustrates me when we put a cap on our capacity to learn. Any exercise, any assignment, any resistance can strengthen or weaken us. If somebody chooses to ignore the profound freedom in creative and expressive writing, then let it be. But I think we allow ourselves to slip quietly too often into apathy, and so much fresh air is lost in a vast room of old breath. Idealistic? Probably. Too idealistic for a new tutor? Maybe. But I guess you know now to keep a closer watch on my responses in class to catch me in an apathetic complaint. You can smile and remind me to not miss that which could "strengthen" me. And I guess we could do the same for the patrons of the writing center.


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