Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I've been thinking a lot about zombies today and how much I wish I could live in a zombie-filled world.

I don't know if I'd want either the zombies that were alive and became infected with a virus and run around or the kind that were originally dead and came out of the ground and move kind of slow.

I kind of like the way the undead ones in the ground look. Like in the Resident Evil games it was great how their eyes were all cataract with red soreness around them and they moved really slow and looked very decayed and decomposed. Like this:

That's one reason Resident Evil the movie sucked because all the zombies just looked like dirty wet people. And they hissed!? Instead of that low moaning sound they made in the games that always creeped me out, they hissed. That's really lame.

So yeah, I think I would want the slow moving undead kind. But if you get bit by a zombie then you will still end up looking like that in a few days or so. Then I'd like about 75 percent of the population to eventually be zombies with the rest of us just trying to survive and looting stores and driving cars that are around.

I'm not sure how intelligent I'd want them to be. Sure they may try to break through windows, but I don't know if I'd want them be able to master doorhandles and such. I'm thinking for the most part they just have the basic motors skills and, say, if they survive long enough by eating other people, only then do they start to develop skills. And so I guess I'm assuming that some people truly die and get eaten all the way when attacked by a zombie instead always becoming one.

Now let's talk about how easy they would die. In most zombie movies if you take out their head or most of their brains it's enough to stop them. This will probably be the case in my zombie fantasy world. But I wouldn't mind seeing some zombies walking around without any heads. I could say that if they lose their heads then they are able to still walk around for a day or so until their bodies just quit working. But at the most they can just walk slowly in circles or something.

There'd be animals too that are bitten by zombies. Cats, dogs, bears, no fish though. Fantastic to think the zombies got into the zoo and made zombie zebras.

So with all that, there would then be the typical scenarios where we brave going to the next Wal Mart for some guns and ammunition and also making Molotov cocktails. We would only eat canned foods and live in high places where we have a sentry on the lookout for straying zombies. Perhaps in 5 years or so all the zombies will have starved to death and then we build a new society or something. One that will be good at first and then end up like all the others eventually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether or not they can starve just depends. In some movies I've seen if they don't eventually feed on flesh then they do die off. Other movies, the zombies needed only brains, but not to live. They couldn't feel themselves unless they ate brains periodically and it drove them crazy otherwise like when you're foot falls asleep except it's all over your body.

8:49 PM  

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