Thursday, September 20, 2007


Well, to be honest a lot has been going on in my mind these days, most of them singular and private, some of them not. My head feels like a capped cauldron, boiling and bursting at the seams with responsibilities and a constantly changing to-do list. Largely, I suppose, nothing of great import or finely-tuned philosophical flights of fancy. Mostly just the constantly churning to-do list of homework and other responsibilities, along with the increasingly reddening view of my financial balances.

Real-life has been on my mind, as of late. My term paper for Modern Art, my art projects for my Ceramics and Printmaking classes (which seem to be perpetually behind schedule and below expectations), and the decreasing amount of time to work on what's necessary for this class, reader responses notwithstanding. There are also car repairs and the financial burden that such represent, as well as unknown gremlins in the system that seem to make it not even want to work at all. The length of time spent on campus, a list of personal projects (online comic and novel) that have yet to be honestly returned to since the start of the semester, and a constant feeling in the back of my mind that I'm missing something important. And there's the fear that I'm going to break down under the stress and do something that'll wind up in the newspaper and psychological journals, which bears no additional suggestion about what that entails.

But all in all I suppose I've been exceptionally lucid as of late, and running surprisingly well in spite of my caffeine intake being far lower than I thought it would or should be. I'm not doing as well as I would've hoped in so many different things, but I suppose I'm not doing as badly as I feared either. I'm actually proud too that I've managed to keep to my dietary plan, one I've been pursuing since the start of summer: A sustainable healthy diet. Under all the stress, I could be doing much worse than I am now, so I'm grateful for that much. Not much else to say, to be honest. No way to get to the end of the semester without taking one step after the next. A thousand mile journey begins only then.


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