Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Belated Anxieties (Blogger hates me!)

I am what some people call an incessant worrier*, so it's no surprise that I have a bundle of concerns about this new job at the Writing Center. My primary fear can be traced back to my mother, who has taken every possible opportunity to tell me not to talk to strangers. The candy they offer might be delicious. It might also be poison. It follows that I'm a bit jumpy around new folks and their possibly toxic writing. Worse yet, what if they offer a paper so fabulous that I have nothing constructive to offer? There are a whole lot of people out there smarter than I am, and it's going to be much harder to ignore them when they are able to prove themselves in writing.

My other big worry is that I won't be able to communicate effectively with tutees until I really get a feel for what I'm doing. The tutors I've observed so far are very well spoken, and I don't know if I'll be able to be as helpful as they are. Try as I might to be outgoing, I'm usually pretty shy, especially in unfamiliar situations. Students who come to the Writing Center deserve the best assistance possible, and I hope I am able to get over my hang-ups and give it to them. Whew. That's what's on my mind.

Good luck, everyone.

*For example, I will probably read this entry for typos a dozen times before it meets your watchful eyes. And it will still contain typos.


Blogger Dogman said...

Oh, how I could use a friend like you to proof read all my technical writing papers! Let me know if you're interested.

3:06 PM  

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