Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Mark's Anxiety

About four years ago I was in flight to Argentina to spend the next 22 months of my life doing something I had never done before in a language I didn't know. On the plane with me were about fifteen other young men who were on their way to do the same thing I was going to do. Many expressed their concerns and anxieties, others talked about what they thought they could expect upon arrival, while others were so nervous they spent their time walking back and forth from the bathrooms. I, on the other hand, was not nervous at all. In fact I slept eleven hours of the thirteen hour flight. When I woke up the guy next to me couldn't understand how I could sleep when I was about to experience the biggest change in my life. After my 22 months abroad I realize that maybe I should have been worried. I was not prepared for the changes that were about to occur. In looking back, I can see that I had no idea what I was getting in to.
I am sharing this example to show that I think I might have a problem. I have kind of a roll-with-the-punches attitude. I don't tend to worry about things and events until I am involved in them. After the first week of classes I could see that there were a lot of things I wasn't very good at and that to be an effective tutor I am going to have to learn and practice a lot. Even though I know this, I am still not suffering from many anxieties, but that is what worries me most of all.
I don't want anyone to think that I am cocky or that I don't need to worry about my new job at the Writing Center because I know everything. I realize that when it comes to tutoring writers I am far from being the best for the job. I wouldn't be surprised if I was the last person hired for the job.
I am so excited to start tutoring next week and I'm excited to see how much I will learn and how much I can help. However, I am not that excited to see how I could have helped had I been a little more concerned and anxious about the things I would be facing.


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