Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Back in the Saddle

It has certainly been an awesome few days. I think one of the things that I loved the most was how active all of the tutors were to get students in the writing center. We were chomping at the bit, hungry for work, and to help where we could. My first few tutoring sessions were great. The students showed up with their paper. After a little banter as we were going to our seats, and filling out the appropriate paperwork, there was a real connection made, and the students were very open and honest. One of the students that I worked with had just rerturned from serving a full-time LDS mission in Washington State, and as I told him that I served in Rome, his face lit up, and he asked if I knew a man by the name of Alessandro Dini Ciacci, who is incidentally a very good friend of mine from Caserta in Southern Italy. Having this connection really helped with the bridge of trust, and we were able to make some great progress, because he saw me for what I am, a peer who could be trusted to help. So it was great. Kudos to Laikwan for being the Clark Kent of the writing center. Seriously, we should make him a medal. I have a lot to learn from all of you this year, and I am looking forward to it!!!


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