Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The "late" Line

I have crossed over the line more than once in a tutoring session. I can’t stay away from the dang thing. I want to help the student badly and when I see them struggling to understand I want to do it for them. I have decided that I can help more in those situations if I am better able to explain what I want them to notice, or try doing. Sometimes when I cross the line I feel justified. The frustration from lack of understanding has driven me insane, pushed me to the edge and I have to cross.
The only way to identify that line is to cross it when it comes. You can identify that you are getting close, but won’t know until you are on the other side. I think that the main problem that I have is being able to communicate with the student. ( I am trying to avoid the word tutee!) In most of my tutoring sessions it is evident that I am the dominant one. I have a clear agenda to help them become a better writer. The problem that I have is assuming that I know what is best for the student. I am trying to combat this by keeping my mouth shut. In these situations the line gets lost, I don’t even try to recognize it. I think that we know most of the time that we have had a productive session. Inherent in trying to be a good tutor is the bad tutoring sessions. We are all going to have them. That is the only way that we can actually grow. As long as we realize this I think we are the right people for the job.
Well since I am behind a blog I am cutting it short, see ya next time!


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